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Textures jpg brick texture
Textures building vol.1 cover

Textures - Building vol.1
Textures library to 2D & 3D app. (jpg)
Product download: keycode y download link aprox. 24-48 hours from time of purchase.

The colection contents 45 Hi-res photographic textures (4000 x 2600 px. average size), "jpg - Hi-quality " format .
- All maps in three different resolutions (hi, med & low).
- Texture maps, bump &/or reflection maps.
- Catalogue with all library textures & apply examples.

Price: 90 Euros
download: aprox.: 421 Mb.

Street pavement texture
floor tile texture
glass lattice texture
marble texture
concrete texture
brick texture
parket texture
stone pavement texture
Pentagrafic disseny, s.l.